Advanced Energy
Works for Indiana


Advanced energy is powering Indiana's economy. Prior to the onset of COVID-19, advanced energy employed 90,900 Hoosiers with jobs in every county in the state. These jobs are held by our neighbors in construction, manufacturing, accounting, and many morejobs to make the energy we use more secure, clean, and affordable.


90,900 Advanced Energy Jobs in Indiana Before COVID

Wind Energy in Indiana Graphic

Indiana Wind Energy

  • Employed over 6,000 Hoosiers pre-COVID
  • More than $20 million in annual lease payments to landowners
  • $12 million annually in state and local tax payments
  • 15 wind manufacturing facilities in the state
  • $52,910 is median salary for wind technician

Solar Energy in Indiana Graphic

Indiana Solar Energy

  • 3,600 solar jobs in Indiana
  • Enough solar installed to power over 55,000 homes
  • 18 companies manufacturing products for the solar industry in Indiana
  • Median pay for a solar installer is over $42,000


Energy Efficency in Indiana Graphic 2

Indiana Energy Efficiency

  • 55,700 jobs in energy efficiency industry
  • The average family saves $437 annually after weatherizing their home


Stay Informed

Over the next several months, the Indiana General Assembly will set the policies that will determine the state's economic recovery. Advanced energy is poised to lead that recovery. Advanced Energy Works, and our partner Indiana AEE, will be working to ensure our industry is at the forefront of Indiana's economic recovery.


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